Maths Podcasts

Plus Maths has a large number of great podcasts which look at maths ToK topics: 1) An interview with Max Tegmark (pictured above) about why he thinks that the universe is itself a mathematical structure. 2) An interview with physicists David Berman about how many dimensions exist. 3) A talk with cosmologist John Barrow about... Continue Reading →

The Philosophy of Mathematics

This is a huge topic - closely related to some of the Theory of knowledge concepts.  It also gets very complicated.  Here are some of the basics (some of this information is simplified from the Stanford Encyclopedia which goes into far more detail). 1) Platonism The basic philosophical question in maths is ontological - ie concerned with... Continue Reading →

Godel’s Ontological “Proof” for God

Godel, a 20th century, Austrian American mathematician attempted to use the rigour of formal mathematical logic to provide a proof for the existence of God.  Whilst somewhat daunting, a more simplified version can be regarded as, "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be conceived. God exists in the understanding. If God... Continue Reading →

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